[Amigo] > [Bob Hurlbett flight index]
Bob Hurlbett
Saturday, 7/16/05
Pine SS to the Truck Stop at I5
Hours after most of the Topa crew left for Black Hawk, Ron Faoro and I drove to Pine with Sara and Buffalo providing chase. We launched at 12:30 into weak cycles and a light east wind with cumis and a haze dome just beginning to form. After 30 minutes of struggling to break through an apparent inversion at 7,800 to 8,000, we found ourselves at 5,500, west of the bonzai tree and too far out front for comfort. While beginning to plan a quick pick-up and second run to launch, we slowly but inexorably drifted into light lift and the start of a convergence band that carried us back toward the spine and West toward Condor Ranch at 100'+/min.
We crossed OTB at 8,000 or so and continued NW until 11,000 over Ozena. It was there that the West wind pushed through and we changed direction, heading NE to cross Lockwood Valley Road toward Dry Canyon and the Badlands.
Things then got dicey as the convergence became disjointed and difficult to follow. At one point, I was over Dry Canyon at 6000 with a 12 mph tail wind enviously watching Ron a mile or two South of me at 9,500 reporting a 20 mph tail wind. Meanwhile, Hammer and another hang glider soared past and directly above me at 13,500.
I finally made a low save North of the Road and a mile or so East of Dry Canyon, slowly drifting toward Lockwood Valley, while Ron searched for but missed the convergence, eventually landing at the 50/50.
After topping out at 13,000 over Lockwood Valley in vario-pegging, turbulent lift, I landed at the Frazier truck stop 3 hours 25 minutes after launching. An hour and 45 minutes later we were at the bar in Brodee's enjoying drinks and appetizers. Eddie reported the Black Hawk crew flew to 15,000 and 30 miles. A very nice day all round.