Sam Truax Flight Log Index
Description | yr_mo-day |
Elings / 5 flights | 2019_12-31 |
Elings / 2 flights and ground handling | 2019_12-27 |
Elings / 4 (1st) solo flights | 2019_08-24 |
Elings with Sam, Tyler, Lucy, Tess, & Max | 2010_04-25 |
Wilcox / Trio with Tess | 2005_07-30 |
Skyport to Beach / Trio with Josie | 2005_02-06 |
Skyport to Polo Field / Tandem | 2005_02-05 |
First Mt Flight /
Skyport to Beach Trio with Mom & Dad |
2004_09-04 |
Bates Trio with Elijah | 2004_04-06 |
Bates Trio with Dylan | 2004_04-05 |
Bates Tandem / Byron & Mary Anne | 2003_08-22 |
First PG Flight / Bates Tandem | 2003_07-26 |
Airplane Ride with Captain Tim | 2003_04-19 |