Saturday, 12/7/02
3 flights from the Bypass
Bob H got us moving early. Ron Faoro grabbed me from Coast Village and I was off from the Bypass at 9:33. Soarable on the spine above The Rock, but cloudbase was low. Top landed back at The Bypass after 20 minutes or so.
Launched again, but less sun. It was soarable at the Round House, but didn't want to linger. There was some new sun over the Monastery, but it wasn't feeding any cloud activity. The Rock was in full shade, but I opted for that direction because it worked earlier (it was in the sun earlier). Not enough action to stay up in the shade. Tried to top land at The Rock, but missed the approach. Tired to pull a glide over toward Gibraltar Road, but was too low. Found a vacant lot for sale below Mountain Drive just a little west of Parma. Good uphill landing in no wind.
Pickup and walk back to El Cieleto. Caught a ride immediately to Gibraltar Road. The next vehicle to come by was Craig. We picked up Art from St Mary's and headed back up to The Bypass. It was real dark with base dropping below the Round House, but we were there and the flight out to Parma was nice. Almost able to hang on over the Monastery.
Art gave me ride back out to Coast Village and I was back home before noon.