Wednesday, 1/1/03
The Nut House
to Upper Koenigstein
2+ Hours
Trying to make the training hill. The forecast was calling for a little east, so we thought we might be able to reach from Ojai, but the day was too week to get across 33. A mostly indecisive flight, fishing for potential convergence assisted better altitude. The day was weak, and all the pilots flushed out in the shade under the only band of high clouds. It cleared shortly after everyone was on the ground.
We met at the bottom of the hill, but almost retreated to Santa Barbara because it was blowing down. It turned upriver all at once like a switch with only a short period of back and forth. We were a little late getting to launch. I had a tough time on the hike and came down with flu like symptoms that evening. Brendan and Kristi got up right off and I followed sometime after Noon thinking it looked easy. The thermals were ok, but didn't go very high, and there wasn't any ridge lift. Got over to Spine One and connected. High 4s at Nordhoff. Tried uphill, but had to fall back. Finally went to Stooges.
Got to West Repeater even, and topped about 52. Probably had enough to make The College, but tried uphill again, but ended up low at Boyd's. Got back to 38, but waited until I was down to 35 to commit back up the spine. Got caught too low behind and had to fly around. Too low to make The Summit, so fell off with the light west for Puckers. Ended up in the last pasture. Tried to break down, but The Bull and his harem were curious and I couldn't keep them away, so I had to pick up and get out. Bill Bailey got us back to our cars.
Nice clear sunny day and pleasant flying