Sunday, 8/29/04
Pine SS to the Sand Pile
Tandem with Sharon, Bantoo
Sled Ride ~ 50 minutes
Good intentions, but missed on the execution due to events beyond our control. Tried to go to Pine later. 2:30 meet at the High School. Our crew bailed for Solimar, so we took my blue van and Randall's mini SUV. Stopped by a road block due to a bad motorcycle crash west of the Sespe Gorge. Turned back for Chief's and gave the van a workout.
Topa wasn't good enough to top land. We had Randall's vehicle in rose Valley. Since someone needed to take chase down, we opted to fall back to Pine. We got through the road block and airborne about a quarter till six. The launch cycles had gotten real weak. Paul was in front of us and not finding anything to climb. We fizzled down the rocks by the Sand Pile and hung on for awhile in the ridge lift. Land about a quarter till 7.
Found a tarantula crossing the road on the way down. Brought him home to show Sam.