[Amigo] > [Andy Palmer flight index]
Andy Palmer
Thursday, 6/30/05
1st Flight at Pine Mountain
My first flight at Pine, I landed short and fast, sustaining a compression fracture of T-12 vertebra, a few broken ribs, a large contusion of my left lung, and various other hurts.
I had made a good attempt to scratch my way out to the sand pile, but when it was obvious that I wasn't going to make it I set up to land in a clearing next to the trail and about a mile from the road. I was about 25 feet over and looking good when I encountered some strong air that changed my attitude from headwind approach to a crosswind final that was too low to alter. I was unable to slow down with full flare and impacted on BP at about 20-25 mph.
Brendan was soon landing close to my position and coming to check out my condition-thank you Brendan- after assessing my condition and allowing me to come to my senses I was able to stand. We proceeded to walk out, very slowly at first but not bad after a bit. Tom Pipkin soon joined us on the trail. By placing my hands on his shoulder and pushing I was able to walk with less pain. We made it to the road where Christy and Connor drove me to the hospital in Ventura. At the hospital Toms wife had a bed ready for me in the ER and the examinations, scans and surgeons started in on me.
I had surgery Saturday morning-10 hours worth- the went to the ICU for a day and then 5 days in the ortho unit. I've been at home for a week and things are starting to get easier. I can walk, shower, wipe my .... without help now, what a priceless joy. I need less pain medication, and go to see the neurosurgeon on Tuesday. Hopefully will start some type of rehab then.
I read the operation reports of the 2 surgeons involved, a general surgeon that did the exposure to my spine via a lateral approach through the diaphragm, and the neurosurgeon's who fused the two adjoining vertebre with a titanium contraption, and used one of my ribs to rebuild the t-12. Anyway it was long and complicated, but worked well.
I have been called or visited by pretty much everybody who heard about it, and I can't tell you how much that meant. The TOPA crew is the best!! Brendan, Tom, and OJ deserve thanks for collecting me and my gear and being there for anything I needed, and Rob Sporrer for the many visits and watching movies in the hospital room, Alex for taking care of Bo for the past 2 weeks, and everyone else that called or thought of me- it was definitely felt, appreciated.
I still have big desire to fly, and should be able get some air in about 3 months.