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Flight Articles from the weekend of Sat 7/22 & Sun 7/23 (in order of posting time stamp)
Sat [Dirt Foot] [Pokie]

Greg Brown (aka Pokie)

Saturday, 7/22/06
Pine to Foxtail Field

Congrats to John G., John Lyons, and Lee Khan for successfully crossing no-mans-land and arriving at the training hill!  Also, congrats to Dean-O for more-or-less the same in a paraglider!  (Okay, so he didn't quite make the hill, but he'll probably do that today (Sun.)).

For me, it was a nail biter flight simply because I'm fairly new to Pine and had no real clue about what I could make and what I couldn't.  (That is a deceptively good glide heading south.)  I got to 12.7k over launch and went on glide towards S.B., then chickened out after about a third of the way and hung a left to Foxtail field where I joined DD.  I would have died of heatstroke if it hadn't been for him (and Skippy, who arrived for retrieve shortly after I landed.)  Thanks guys.  The development over/behind launch was really something to behold.
