[Amigo] > [Riss's flight index]

Flight Articles from the weekend of Sat 7/29 & Sun 7/30 (in order of posting time stamp)

Riss Estes
Saturday, 7/29/06
Austin, Texas (tow road launch)
112 miles

Did 112 miles yesterday here in Austin.  Had a later than planned, 2pm launch, then 50 miles of struggling with a crossing wind to get around some military airspace, and then the rest downwind.  45mph ground speeds on the downwind glides later in the day.  Even so, I made slow progress overall due to all that sideways flying on the front 9, trying to keep from getting shot down by the black helicopters (they have absolutely no sense of humor).  Landed at 7:10 pm after 5+ hours (going only slightly backwards against the headwind).  Then came the usual, massive hike out to the retrieval truck we always have to deal with here (i.e. 40 yards).

If I'd chosen a tow road that better matched the winds aloft so that there wasn't an airspace obstacle (the winds aloft forecast didn't match reality), and if I'd actually launched at noon like I'd planned....ooooh baby!....

I miss you guys (but not as much today as usual)! )
