[Amigo] > [Scott Angle flight index]

Flight Articles from Saturday, 3/4/06 (in order of posting time stamp)
[Sharon Sweeney] [OJ] [Ron Meyer] [Bob Peloquin] [Randall McCormick] [Andy Palmer] [John Scott] [Kabir] [Dean] [Mike Preston] [Scotty]

Scott Angel

Saturday, 3/4/06
Eliminator to EJ Bowl then Eastbound past Piru

Oh it was good.  Eliminator to Piru.  Oh hell yea Aileron, Bob Anderson, JR, Diablo, LJ, Hammer, John Scott, Dean it was allot of fun.  Thanks too woman and Scotty II for the ride home.

I hope for tomorrow, maybe I have soaring throat... I will have get appointment with Dr. Sky

Cool comp, I forgot about it.  I flew west first too tag EJ bowl and pay my respects then landed with Hammer and LJ.  Maybe I should be third place and push them into fourth :) Sweet!  A good strategy to win this comp, at least for Santa Barbara, is to launch, fly west, get some extra distance cause we all seem to land around Piru - I5.