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Marti DeVietti
Saturday, 2/4/12

1st leg ~ 1 mile, The Nuthouse Launch Eastbound to Spine One
2nd leg ~ 30 miles, Westbound to the Painted Cave Windmill
3rd leg ~ 3 1/2 miles back upwind to West Bowl
4th leg ~ 2 1/2 miles out to landing at the T
Total distance around 3 turn points ~ 37 miles

The Nuthouse to the Painted Cave Windmill to West Bowl to the T

Article Copied from http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2413

Very sweet day, indeed!

A seasoned group braved the hike at the Nuthouse today (TomT.,Tom P., Andy D., Chris P., Chris G., Ron F., Bob H., me) and 5 of 8 made it through some interesting, sometimes TURBULENT but generally buoyant air with occasional down elevators that claimed two of the three left behind in Ojai. When it was all said and done, it was clear everyone had a unique experience with regard to the conditions, and the outcome of the day.

Chris Paul was at waiting alone at Nordoff High when I got there and we were both wondering if the early meet time was pushed to 10 with Chris G. Not long after Tom Truax arrived and we all had visions of going West today...Andy arrived and we loaded up, still like-minded in our goal. Chris asked me how high you have to be to make the run West, and I had to point out the irony in his question, since he has, in recent times, RE-defined how low you can go, when it comes to XC...Eastward anyway.

We made the hike, hoping to beat the heat and the black biting flies, with an early, easy pace, but the little blood suckers hastened the pace for those wearing shorts with not enough bug juice...arrrgh! All but one made the hike up, due to fatigue, and as it turned out, it was a crap shoot getting a cycle or soarable conditions after Tom Truax pulled off a Hail Mary save that is consistent with his sky god status.

Chris P. launched first, pinged out with ease, and headed to Spine one after coring up to the ridge top over launch. I was next and was drooling at his altitude over spine one as I topped the ridge myself. Once on Spine one, I started climbing and saw Chris glide on a line in front of white ledge, and figured it was all good as I saw him climbing as he arrived near the white peak area. Turns out he stayed too far out in front and had to grovel until finally making it to ridge height and above at the power lines...Andy launched after me and topped out the lift over take off and out climbed me over on spine one, so I came over his way and eventually shot the gap to BUMP 1 on the other side of the 33 leaving at 5200. Andy specked out even more and eventually came along behind me, but I was curious what happened to Chris...

As I got a boomer near Bump 1, I took it to 7000 and flew over the top of white ledge finally seeing Chris low, skimming along in nowheresville...definately working for it. My flight was really nice, easy going mostly and stress free most of the time...I have a kml file but can't figure out how to share it...

Chris P and I met at the power lines and leap forgged a bit on the way to Alternator, where he and Andy top landed to watch the show. I made it to near the propeller at Kabir's place, then groveled back to the VOR, and eventually West Bowl, passing Tom Truax on his way to crossing the 154, and I just ended up playing in windy lift until Chris G. arrived and announced he was landed at the T. The promise of a ride made the T a very satisfying place to set down, high five and carry on a while. Tooo fun!

Total flight time: 3.5 hours Max lift: 1200up Total distance: 29 miles from take off to my furthest point. Max Alt: 7200+

Value of the day: Priceless...


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