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[Amigo] > [Mitch Riley flight index] |
Some flight data copied from: [www.xcontest.org/world/en/pilots/detail:mitchriley]
Note: some IGC and (and subsequent KMZ) files have been edited to trim the ends
and reconcile landing and takeoff altitude with Google Earth.
See Also: Mitch's Vimeo Page at: [https://vimeo.com/mitchriley]
or track Mitch's flights on his Delorme inReach Map Page at: [https://share.delorme.com/MitchRiley]
Mitch Riley
Flight on
Wednesday, 3/30/2016, article updated 9/28/2017
Reference: [IGC Text Data File] and [Google Earth KMZ File] or [Doarama Animation]
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Sundowner note: Mitch already had a few noteworthy flights from Santa Barbara when he posted this track log, but in my opinion it illustrates some of his priorities and his approach (style) to flight choices. A relative newcomer to our local Santa Barbara mountains (at the time), he wasn't (and isn't) constrained by local perceptions. He will read what is sees. His track on this day shows an inquisitive nature and willingness to make constructions based on the topography and meteorology with retrieval a secondary consideration. The flight wasn't a big number headliner, but his low route was along lines that would require what many would consider significant hiking if he went down. Mitch's athletic hiking ability permits him to focus on the evolving route connections when most of us would be more concerned bout how we were going to get back to civilization. The possible 5 and 10 mile hikes are only mild in scale compared to what Mitch is capable of. He seems to find a way to keep going when most of us would be reaching for an LZ.
I called this flight a "Meander" because Mitch seemed to be poking around. His ability to skip along downwind when low and stay in the game is impressive. I look forward to reviewing his future track logs as he expands the collective knowledge of our local possibilities.
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