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[Saturday 9/24/11 Pine 97 Miles, Flight Articles]

Robb Milley (aka Dirtfoot)
Saturday, 9/24/11

Distance (4 point)    15 miles
Total Airtime 2:21
Max Altitude 12,139 Feet MSL
Max Climb Rate   1,378 Feet per Minute Up
Max Sink Rate 1,319 Feet per Minute Down

Pine Mountain, OTB Zig to Dry Canyon

Article copied from  http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2319#p7115

by Robb » Posted Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:40 am

I set the ladies record for the day: 12,200 to the deck in a flash. We were all yo-yoing out front for the longest time before Tom found something out front and got to 11k. By then Brendan had lost his top spot and was below the bonzi tree calling us names. Anyway, Tom called to me to follow otb so over I went. The cloud street was the most amazing I have ever seen at Pine: Pine to Frazier and straight on to morning... For a while Tom and I were crabing; facing somewhat SE as we moved along under the south edge of the street at 30mph ground speed while in lift or zero sink. That was really amazing; something I had always heard of but never experienced. I drifted too far north to the middle of the street and hit sink which went from 400 to 700 to 1200 down. I was on bar trying to escape to the east, then made the big mistake and turned north towards the road and "safety", just like a rookie.

I made it out to the road at dry canyon with 5k and hit lift that took me to 9k, but I wasn't comfortable continuing east w/ only 9k so I kept trying for a while until the last thing I heard was Brendan reporting he was on the south side of fraiser looking in the windows of the ISS.

I landed on full speed bar in the wash, packed up, and waited three hours until the sheriff felt sorry for me and gave me a ride to the truck stop.

If I had turned south towards the mountains instead of north towards a easy landing spot I'd have a much better tale to tell. At least watching my video from the helmet cam is entertaining as I use every adjective I know on my plummet...

I'm sure the real pilots will be along with their stories soon.

Data and flight link:
1,378 up
1,319 down
12,139 max

GPS log posted at http://www.paraglidingforum.com/leonardo/flight/511434

Articled copied from http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2319#p7200

by Robb » Posted Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:27 am

Pipkin's been whining like a six year old, so I've uploaded my helmet cam video. It's long and unedeted; but if you skip ahead it'll be faster and you'll miss most of my colorful commentry. If you decide to keep the volume up, be sure to listen as I try to get Tony to stop calling me Ron...

The first video starts about an hour into the flight, after Tom and I have finally gotten up, and Brenden, who was over 10k, is back below the bonzai. In the second I've tried to climb back out, but only got to 9k so I land in the wash. If you listen to the first one, you can hear Tony say it's blowing 0-5 on the ground, but I'm on full bar until about 15' off the deck.

http://www.youtube.com/user/topapilot#p/a/u/1/BBM5k1NYQEM  page not found message 2/14/12



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