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Tim Barker aka Timmaaayyy
Friday, 2/14/2020

EJ Launch to Las Varas Cyn Rd (below Broadcast Peak)
Total SLOFD (Straight Line Over-flown Distance between 2 points) 14.7 miles
2020 LFSD score: 14

Reference: [IGC Text Data File] and [Google Earth KMZ File] or [Ayvri Web Animation]

Article Copied from SBSA Telegram Chat (posted on 2/14/2020 at 3:12 PM)


Super fun day in the mountains!  Thanks Eagle and Austin for getting us up there.

Day really turned on about 45 minutes after we launched.  It was hard to figure out the lift for a long while.  Clouds were forming, but it was hard to determine drift and triggers.  As it got better, it got more obvious.  We had East wind above 3,000 and south to south west draw below that.  I thought I’d made all the connections to Santa Ynez peak, but got rejected on the last challenging crossing.  I was in the lee of the south west wind and lost a lot of altitude.  Came into that last point below the ridge line and turned onto the connecting spine.  I should have continued to push west bound to the westward side of the mountain.  Oh well. It looked a lot better about 30 minutes after I landed, as cloud base had lifted and there looked to be very little wind.

Overall it was a great day!   Top altitude was at VOR at 3,600, lowest save was 1,450 between Windermere Ranch and lizards Mouth, on the nub.  I Landed at the top of Las Varas Canyon Road.  It was beautiful up there, but a 3+ mile hike on a paved road to get out.


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