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Tom Mayer Flight Article
Pine Mountain

Sunday 9/27/09
Copied from: http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1585&p=4782#p4782

From 15,800' over Pine, we could see that SB looked pretty socked in for most of the day!  There were big butterballs of lift right on takeoff to take us up to over 15 grand before heading OTB to Guierrmo Mtn.  From there on the headwinds killed our progress into to the Antelope Valley, except of course for Hammer, who went on to Neenach for some unknown reason!

My thanks to Phoenix for not only her expert chase skills, but for her translative skills, as we all seemed to suffer from some radio difficulties.  My thanks also to DD and Hammer, my guides for my first foray to Pine in over 10 years.  Two weeks ago they got me back into the Owens after a 25 year hiatus.  You guys are great!