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Sundowner Archived Flight Log
Copied from old hard copy hand written log book

Pine North Side to Marina Park (Beach in Ventura)

Flight on Wednesday, July 2nd 1986 (transcribed on 6/7/11)
2 flights from the North Side of Pine Mountain

Glider:  Seedwings Sensor 510 B model

1st flight, to Ranch Road, 1.5 Hours, 12:30 to 2 PM

Launch from the old North Side 5500 foot fire break spine.  Scratch up.  Good cores above, getting better uphill, find the top at 93.  Thermals drifting faster than the wind from the NW into a negative gradient.  Upper flow from the SE.  Up and down and up and out with 92.  Indecisive, and fly down wind up Ranch Road and burn out trying to come back out against the headwind.

2nd flight, to Marina Park
Duration: 1.2 Hours, 3:55 to 5:07
Distance: 27 miles

Up easy at launch and head uphill.  Searched for 10 minutes and found a good core.  Top at 10K over the ridge.  Good glide to hwy 33 arriving with 9500, then sink to the next ridge (Ortega Hill), arriving with 85, but skip back up to 97 for long downwind final glide.  Cross Matilija with 75, Oak View with 5K, Shell Road with 2K, and The Avenue with 1500.  Light offshore flow.  Land at Marina Park (Ventura Harbor).