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4/3/2001 Tuesday, Lunch Hour +
Skyport to Santa Barbara Junior High with Jeff
Another lunch time stretch. Cold at altitude. Very little sun in the mountains. All lapse rate. Weak lift but smooth and buoyant. Steady south up at launch. Airborne about 11:45. Easy climb a couple hundred over. Drift from the SE. Left a little low, but gained altitude all the way over to the R&R. The lift was broad and coming of the SE faces rather than the spines. Got to cloudbase about 36. Headed over to the Factory because we thought it would be a better line on the glide out with the SE. Not much at the Factory. Got to 35 on the point and hit on the Antenna Farm. Felt like we were out the front. If we had more time I would' a looked over at Parkers, but we were playing hooky and the clock was ticking. Fell off over the round house down to 28 looking for something coming from a lee side protected source. Climbed back to 34 but the SE drift left us behind. Went for the glide hoping for something on the way. Gained about 50 feet over the Riveria and left with 15. Poor glide against the steady south. We were planning to go to the park on Cota, but the park was full and the school was empty, must have been a holiday. Put down in the School Yard. 2 hours door to door including the stop at Taco Bell.