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Sunday, 3/17/2002
Bates to Marina Park (Ventura) 15 miles
Ran up to Parma with Diablo, Carolyn, & Tom P, but the increasing OD and breezy conditions sent us back to Bates. It looked good when we left town. The conditions were still good when we got back about 9:30. Airborne about 9:45 for once around the pattern. Getting 100 over. Top land to assist Sharon on her first Bates flight.
Relaunch about 10:30. Weak lift to 460 over the beach. Backing up and run. Good glide at first, but had to go all the way to the Gas Plant for upslope flow. Slow climb in super smooth air. Good penetration. Tom P. and Art tried the jump, but came up a little short and landed on the beach. Diablo launched from Mike's.
Around the corner with 22. Arrive at Solimar even. More wind. Climb up to 15 and give ground east. Good lift at the point of Taylor Ranch, but backing up. Around the corner with 1,650. Good glide to Marina Park. The wind hadn't gotten too strong yet and I could penetrate forward with some break on landing. Clunky landing in the park at noon.
Pack up on the grass. Carolyn came by and we went to assist Diablo who was setting up for landing on the beach by Horn Blowers. Home at 1:30. Head up to La Cumbre Peak to see the snowfall with Pam & Sam.
Real nice air all the way (except the jump of course). Good scenery and low anxiety with plenty of altitude and no turb anywhere after the jump. Since we were early, the wind wasn't cranking too hard in Ventura, so even the landing was easy.