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Tuesday, 3/19/2002
Skyport to East Beach
Lunch hour tandem with Jolene
~ 45 minutes

Couldn't pass up the nice weather.  My excuse:  I have a backlog of people at work patiently waiting for their turn.

Uphill with Ron Faoro, Bob H, Mark Stucky, Randall, & Frank for crew.  Very little wind.  The thermals were small and punchy, but the altitudes ok.  Pilots topping about 4,500.  Worked over to the Peak and came back to the R&R from a couple hundred over.  Climbing through 36, Jolene announced that someone flipped the switch.  She hung on for a dozen more turns and we left for the beach with 4,350.  Got there with 13 and Jolene took the controls.  Spotted a bunch of sharks hanging out in the surf zone.  They seemed to be 6 to 8 feet long. Too many to count.

Set up for a landing to the west, but it turned out to be light downwind on the surface.  Clipped a tree, but set down ok on the iceplant.  Mark Stucky and Ron Faoro landed upwind.  For our entertainment, Bob Hurlbett demonstrated his brush clearing technique next to the old bomb shelter foundation.  Hopefully we'll get to read his play by play.

Craig and Fred boosted us back to Carpinteria.  Back at the desk about 1:45.  2 hours 35 minutes door to door.