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Weather Archive for Sunday, 5/2/10
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Building high pressure after what may be the last frontal passage of the season.  Marking the end of our SB season and the onset of our coastal summer inversion?

Not much wind, but pretty poor lapse rate.  Enough to hold on, but not good enough to move around.  The better climbs were good for 500 feet at best, and most climbs only netted 2 or 3 hundred.  The cores were small and bubbly.  There was some north up higher, but it didn't affect us down lower.  There were a few clouds that dissipated as the day aged.  Initial cloudbase was in the high 2's, and later in the low 3s.

A little SE/SW convergence setup along Monastery Ridge around midday along with a few clouds over the Riveria.  It all dissipated later in the day.  May have worked late, but a hang glider airborne after 2 PM seemed to be on a slow fizzle.  The breeze did stir up a bit in Carpinteria late in the day, but it was calm at the coast, so the stir may have been a draw toward the mountains rather than a sea breeze.  The ocean was mostly glassy all day.

Ojai likely worked better, but it didn't look much better on paper.  The Grade and Oat were likely ridge soarable.  Pine was likely windy north side.