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Monday, 11/22/10
Bates to the Beach
about an hour airtime

Sundowner's Flight Report, see also [Weather Archive]

Was hoping to get to the mountains, but they looked blustery with clouds drifting from the north on the drive up to Parma, so turned around for Bates.  Hung out with Chad for awhile, watching the wind line offshore.  We were too early so I took a drive to Cabrillo to check out the wind along the coast.  Looked like too much north for a PG in the mountains, so opted to head back to Bates again.

Launched 2nd in an initial pack of 4 gliders.  Worked ok.  Did several laps to Viola Fields and tested for max altitude a few times.  320 over the beach on the first test after launch a little before noon.  400 on the next try, and 500 on the third attempt about 12:30 ish.  Further max altitude checks were lower.  Finally flushed to the beach in a lull.

It pulsed back in, but was getting weaker.  Got a call from my Daughter's school saying I need to pick her up because she wasn't feeling well, but when I got there she was ready to play, so we went to the tide pools for a super low tide.

Fun smooth air while it lasted, but not quite enough for a jump.

Hadn't flown since last spring.  Not the optimal day on paper, but my only discretionary day this fontal series, so opted to give it a try.  Waffled a bit with the go / no go decision in the morning, but realized once I get my mind on it I'm as good as paralyzed anyway, so opted to gear up and get out the door.