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Alex Gagarin aka Dizzy
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Super Bowl Sunday, 2/4/12

Skyport to Condor Point

Article copied from http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2415

I made it to condor point as well. Launched Skyport around 12:00, good climbs all the way to 6K, so I went west. When I was near VOR I can see albatross Bo crossing 154 few miles ahead of me, but I can't catch up. I start getting low after lizards mouth and by the time I made to condor point I was not confident enough to commit toward Santa Ynez peak alone. Terrain is kinda shallow out there, and wind also pick up considerably. So, I take altitude I have ~2500 to push out (very slow) to the last good lading spot.
Thanks to Chris VV for the retrieve and to Aaron P. for letting me try his Advance Lightness harness.