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Andy Dainsberg
Super Bowl Sunday, 2/5/12

Alternator to Condor Point

A-Ron was saying we dont get a lot of good pg opps to explore W. of course, that statement is arguable if u are albatross or sd... i was excited to try to fly Westbound w/ bo and a-ron and steal a few of their riffs. got off too early to scam off bo but learned a lot from aaron. weirdly, i've never been past no name that way in 10+ years of flying sb! condor seems to me like its a make/break where experience would be nice. its a spine system that gives you 3 choices: high back ridge, mid level ledge, and front points... i had to push out pretty low to the front to ensure an open lz. nothing inspiring to hang onto. landed big eared in a decent fallow field bordered by power lines. scenic country hike out to a gate. thanks for the guide A-Ron! and chris m for the retrieve.


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