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Andy Dainsberg
Saturday, 3/17/12
Bates x4
Copied from http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2473#p7553
by Dainsberg_Andrew » Posted Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:15 pm
pulled up to lower bates in a downpour but was soon able to break out the hybrid. it was west at 20-25 and i wanted to see if i could literally launch from the sand... not quite; i had to kite @ 1/3 way up the paved path to get enough launch pressure. speedflew all over until it got a little lighter and i saw sd setting up on the top launch. we thought we had a window a couple of times between rainy squalls to pg downrange- but (longstoryshort) it wasnt quite right. we had a couple flights- i could penetrate on bar but couldnt get enough alt to jump. i put the pg back in the jar and released the firefly for another hourlong speed session. A Lone Crow.