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Saturday Flight Articles by  [Chris Paul]  [SD]  [Tom Pipkin]

Chris Paul
Saturday, 5/5/12

Nuthouse to Top Land at Chiefs to Saint Thomas College

Article copied from: http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2539#p7738

by Paul_Chris » Posted Sat May 05, 2012 8:16 pm

Joined SD and Tom Pipkin for the hike up. Wind was gusting to the mid-teens on launch, but I didn't connect with a solid core until more than half way down to the highway. Got up to ridgeline and over to spine one where it felt like the wind was coming from all directions at times. The west wind made for good glides, but once falling out the back of a thermal it was easier to just go to the next point then stay. Skipped across the top of Nordhoff, and Stooges, then worked up to Chief's for a top landing. SD soon joined me, while Tom P ran retrieve. We planned to take the high route to Fillmore, but couldn't get much over 6K. Good climb over east repeater, but found nothing at Puckers. Came in low to SP ridge and didn't get more than disorganized pops..so landed at Thomas Aquinas. SD connected higher and made Fillmore.

Chirs Paul Launching from the Nuthouse



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