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Flight Articles for Saturday 8/710  [Bob Anderson]  [Tony DeGroot]  [Jim Zender]

Jim Zender (aka Jimmy Z)
Saturday 8/7/10

Pine SS to Scheideck

Yup... was a fun day at Pine.  I also was able to hit 10k over launch early in the flight then went OTB around 8,300 as I couldn't get back up over 9k after some bobbing around Rayes Peak and launch.  Flew over the valley, couldn't see where everyone else ended up (not knowing that they were somewhere NE over the badlands) and boated around the valley for a bit.  I haven't ventured over the badlands to Lockwood Valley and I certainly wasn't going to do it solo if everyone else was going to end up not going over there.  My mistake.... I ended up having a buttery landing at Scheideck as Bob Ramey was packing up his rig.

Fast Eddy quickly arrived, we loaded up, and headed to Dry Canyon to pick up Dave Teal and Marge (who had a great first flight at Pine!)

the LZ that Tony the Tiger landed in is one of the most insane places to set down a hang glider (or paraglider for that matter) I have ever seen.  No glider wreckage... must have been a sight to see in those SUPER switchy and bumpy conditions.  Kudos to you Tony for avoiding a potential catastrophe.  Have a quick recovery my friend.

Let's do it again!!!
