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Friday, 6/13/2014 [Weather] and [Flight Articles] by [________] & [Sundowner] [Photos] [Video]
see flight log index for [Tom] [Tess] and [Jacqui Smith's Family]

Weather Archive and Summary for Friday, 6/13/2014  (last day of school in Carpinteria)
see also [Flight Articles]

The trend had been June Gloom in the morning with afternoon clearing accompanied by on-shore flow in sync with the clearing.  Friday started clearing early with the associated rustle in the palm trees, but by 3 PM it was going the other direction and clouding up again.  The flow back off and it was light by the time we got to launch, but almost straight in.  Friday was an anomaly in the local trend, as it was back to the daily iteration over the weekend.

        Slide Show on Vimeo at [https://vimeo.com/100681318]              or

          Landscape Video ↓ on Viemo at https://vimeo.com/102096529          

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      Portrait Video ↑ on Viemo at https://vimeo.com/102096528                                                              
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