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Friday, 6/13/2014 [Weather] and [Flight Articles] by [________] & [Sundowner] [Photos] [Video]
see flight log index for [Tom] [Tess] and [Jacqui Smith's Family]

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Heather and the kids walked back to their house and I took the gear to Parma Park to clean and pack up on the grass.  Cleaning conditions were good with just enough breeze to kite the canopy upside down to shake the debris out.  Heather took the kids for Yo Yum Yums and then dropped Tess off at the beach.  Traffic southbound was thick so we took East Valley Road.

        Slide Show on Vimeo at [https://vimeo.com/100681318]              or

          Landscape Video ↓ on Viemo at https://vimeo.com/102096529          

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      Portrait Video ↑ on Viemo at https://vimeo.com/102096528                                                              
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Friday, 6/13/2014 [Weather] and [Flight Articles] by [________] & [Sundowner] [Photos] [Video]
see flight log index for [Tom] [Tess] and [Jacqui Smith's Family]

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