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Saturday, 11/8/2014 [Flight Articles] by [Neal] [Jonathan] [Sundowner] [John Scott] & [Tim Barker]
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Photo notes
from Saturday, 11/8/2014

The posted photos are from 4 different pilots.  The file names start with the date followed by a 2 alphabetic characters to force the sort order.  the sort order is followed by the photographer designation, and then the description.  The sort order for the full set roughly follows the course progression, not the time.  The sort order for the individual sets follows the authors posting order.

My photos (Tom Truax) were taken with a hand held Canon S100 camera.  I only took a few photos on launch and did not take any photos in flight.

John and Jonathan's photos are frame captures from their video.

Not sure about Neal's camera.

I did some minor edits to the photos posted to the SCPA discussion board to straighten and add captions.  I enhanced the lighting to some of John's photos, but not for Neal or Jonathan because I couldn't budget the time.

Photo List

Order Photo by File Name
1 Tom 2014_11-08aa_track_x4
2 Tom 2014_11-08ab_chiefs_setup
3 Tom 2014_11-08ac_neal_michaelis
4 Tom 2014_11-08ad_neal_michaelis
5 Tom 2014_11-08ae_robin_cushman
6 Tom 2014_11-08af_jonathan_dietch
7 SS 2014_11-08ba_ss_chiefs_launch
8 JD 2014_11-08bb_jd_tq_by_chiefs_peak
9 SS 2014_11-08bc_ss_westbound_from_chiefs
10 Neal 2014_11-08ca_neal_looking_west_from_chiefs_toward_nordhoff
11 JD 2014_11-08cb_jd_tq_by_nordhoff
12 JD 2014_11-08cc_jd_ss_by_nordhoff
13 JD 2014_11-08cd_jd_small_gaggle_at_nordhoff
14 SS 2014_11-08da_ss_crossing_hwy_33
15 JD 2014_11-08db_jd_sd_n_peter_over_bump_3
16 JD 2014_11-08dc_jd_sd_n_peter_over_bump_3
17 JD 2014_11-08dd_jd_headed_for_the_back_step
18 Neal 2014_11-08de_neal_back_step_looking_east
19 Neal 2014_11-08df_neal_looking_east_from_the_backstep_at_tom_n_peter
20 Neal 2014_11-08dg_selfie_with_jonathan_in_background
21 Neal 2014_11-08dh_neal_looking_west_from_the_highstep_toward_whiteledge
22 SS 2014_11-08dk_ss_westbound_toward_the_high_step
23 SS 2014_11-08dm_ss_wihteledge_track
24 JD 2014_11-08dn_jd_highstep_looking_at_whiteledge_gap
25 JD 2014_11-08do_jd_whiteledge_gap
26 JD 2014_11-08dp_jd_whiteledge_fly_around
27 JD 2014_11-08dr_jd_se_side_of_whiteledge
28 JD 2014_11-08ds_jd_se_side_of_whiteledge
29 JD 2014_11-08dt_jd_sw_spine_of_whiteledge
30 Neal 2014_11-08du_neal_looking_east_from_east_divide_toward_whiteledge
31 JD 2014_11-08ea_jd_east_beach