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Thursday, [10/19/2023] [Weather?] and Flight Archives for [Dave Patterson] and [Chris Gulden] |
1st Flights to Takeoff (Launch) from South East Bowl (aka SE
Flight Date: Thursday, 10/19/2023 / Archive Updated 11/1/2023
For individual archives for Thursday's flights from SE Bowl, see links above for DP and CG.
Hike Logistics (Chris Gulden / posted 10/31/2023 for 10/19 flight)
Road access to Forest Rt 5N18 is currently closed to all vehicles on account
of storm damage from last winter. One is able to drive back most of the
way to Southeast Bowl, but not all the way. The parking near there,
though, requires a fee.
Free public parking outside kiosk area on Paradise Road at: 34°32'34.43"N,
Dave and I parked at the coordinates above,
then rode our bikes along Forest Rt 5N18 until we reached the bottom of
Southeast Bowl. Our hiking path is marked in white.
The hike took approximately 35 minutes, and was not too terribly overgrown,
though I wore ankle gaiters. The first steep section is likely a one way
ticket- although we were able to climb it, we probably could not have safely
hiked back down.
The launching area we used was reasonably shallow, ending with a cliff. There is room for at least two gliders.
I hope to return and launch here again on the next day with potential. The real flights would connect to Little Pine, then get up and out from there. I know a few pilots who have launched from Little Pine, but that hike is too much for me. Pick your days carefully when flying back here...
click on image ↓ for full size
click on image ↑ for full size /
graphic by Chris Gulden 2023
Editor's note (updated 11/8/2023)
To the best of my knowledge, Thursday's PG flights by Dave and Chris were the 1st to takeoff (launch from) "South East Bowl" (also known as SE Bowl, and East Bowl), however, my historical awareness of that local is limited, so I reached out to Cracka to probe his recollection. Aaron confirmed (to the best of his more encompassing awareness) that Chris and Dave's flights were indeed the first ever to launch from SE Bowl. Pilots have launched from a various spines off Sage and higher up and behind at Little Pine. Pilots launching into early morning katabatic east wind at Sage were mostly doing speed wing flights. Pilots have been connecting to big air XC flights from Little Pine, but that hike is much more than the quick 600 vertical hike up to SE Bowl.
Although I haven't personally launched from SE bowl, I do have some experience [2015_07-19] down low (a little higher than DP and CG Thursday takeoff altitude) in flow from the SE. Dave and Chris never got below launch altitude on Thursday.
click on image ↓ for full size
click on image ↑ for full size
It is my perception that Connector Hill (above and behind / downwind of SE Bowl in a SE wind) can be a gateway to Little Pine in some meteorological conditions. It is a commitment reaching back, but there is a shallow broken spine connecting Connector Hill to Little Pine and numerous pilots have discovered climbs along that spine over the past few years.
Not an everyday go to spot like Sage in the Summer, but arguably worth
additional probing as a possible gateway to big altitude and long flights on
some days from a relatively low (600 foot vertical) hike up launch?
Hiking logistic are likely seasonal and varied depending on the river flow?
I would also like to take this opportunity to commend both Chris and Dave for their measured and impressive progression. Not long ago they were both green rookies but are now valuable contributors to our community.
Chris has been cracking off 100+ milers [10/8/2022] and recently posted a new [but subsequently surpassed) record distance PG flight from Plowshare [5/23/2023].
Dave has been on a tear leading the charge exploring and pioneering local-ish hike up launches. Dave was wind-dummy for a bunch of 1st timers at the Nuthouse on a big day, getting over 10K and landing in Moorpark (3/21/2021) before pioneering the new Hump One launch on San Cayetano Ridge above the Sespe in Fillmore [3/26/2022], another potential gateway launch that offers big flights in stiffer east wind compared to launching from Oat.