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Friday, 1/4/13 Flight Articles by: [Andy Dainsberg] [Marty Devietti] [Aaron LaPlante]

Aaron LaPlante
Friday, 1/4/13

EJ's to the VOR to Ramero to the VOR and out to the T

Article copied from: http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2739#p8236

grand flyin cowboys! funny post andy, always love readin em. after hitchin a ride to launch with timmay! and his fam, it felt considerably cooler then yesterday, so more horned up then a unicorn i jumped off as soon as we got there. kept gettin low fours and floated with marty and timmayyy! down to the vor. met up with hammer, R11 chick, and howser near altenator on the way back and headed east. i got stuck at shadow, so marty and R11 chick left me for another man. watched hammer(he ended up in ojai too) bob his deathbox route on the back ridge, and howser and i turned around at romero. got stuck many times on the way back as the day was gettin lighter, but kept pushin lower and lower chasin howser. he turned around at westbowl and i got to VOR and got back to over 3k in a nice NW/SW convergence. headed out to my van at the T and arrived there 100 higher then i left VOR with. killer day!!!

side note for pee tube folk with pod harnesses. yesterday after takin a pee i put my foot back in my harness and the loose tube caught on the harness and flicked like a rubber band, spraying leftover pee all over my face, sunglasses, and in my mouth(thats healthy stuff if your a hippie). it almost happened again today, but a quick bruce lee head move and it whizzed by my ear. so i guess if you want to keep from giving yourself a golden shower you should secure the bottom of the peetube to your leg or something. Hands up!