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Aaron LaPlante (aka Cracka) Flight Archive Index

See Also: Cracka Sauce YouTube Channel / Tips for Free Flying in Santa Barbara.
at: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCphRVKBfYdbMrQsJd4du7Uw
plus Aaron's [Comments] and Some flights below copied from the SCPA / SBSA discussion Forum

Description year_mo-dy Flt
Photos Video
Tasty Marshmallows / Cathedral Ramero Fishbowl 2020_01-12          
VOR Bushwhack Re-Launch 2016_09-05          
Niviuk Artik 4 Video 2015_07         Interview
Nuthouse to Elings 2015_01-01         Elings Landings
Skyport to Lizard's Mouth to Nordhoff HS 2014_12-26         Painted Cave
Niviuk Airtik Article 2014_12-12       Niviuk  
humility in the pacific 2014_06-07       Cliff  
hazy daze sunday 2013_12-22          
Sunday Quickie Lap 2013_11-24          
EJ to the T in South East 2013_10-26          
EJ to Castle to East Beach 2013_09-28       Life Gurard  
Santa Barbara Inversion 2013_06-01          
Staycation Friday 2013_05-24          
Skyport to Padaro 2013_05-23       Selfie  
Elings to Wilcox / Fogbase Sunday 2013_04-29          
Elings to Wilcox / Shoeless Friday 2013_04-27          
Sunday OD Skyport to Lake Casitas 2013_02-10       OD  
SB Laps; EJ / VOR / Ramero / VOR 2013_01-04          
Foggy Sunday 2012_11-25       Fog  
Skyport to VOR to Parma 2012_11-12       Cathedral  
Skyport to EJ Bowl 2012_11-11         Bloopers
EJ Bowl to Nordhoff HS (Ojai) 2012_11-04          
EJ Bowl to Chismahoo (Casitas Pass Hike)   2012_10-27       My LZ  
Skyport to Elings Park Training Hill 2012_04-27          
Skyport to No Name to Padaro Beach 2012_03-27          
Skyport to Snowball to Carp Beach 2012_03-26          
Alternator Laps 2012_03-03-04          
Skyport to Birnam Wood 2012_02-19       Hammer  
Skyport Clouds 2012_02-18       Above CB  
Alternator to El Capitan 2012_02-05       El Cap  
Alternator to the Factory to Goleta 2012_02-04          
EJ Bowl to Parma 2012_02-03          

Aaron's Paraglide.net Comments Index

Description Year_Mo-Dy
Active Air Turbulence 2017_10





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