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Sunday 4/15/12 Flight Articles by  [Andy Dainsberg] [NMERider] [SkyOutGirl] and [SD]

Andy Dainsberg

Skyport to East Beach
flight on Sunday, 4/15/12

Article Copied from http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2525#p7679

by andy dainsberg » Posted Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:02 pm

on launch with good pilots and good conditions on paper- we felt we could- go- long... but nah;; not bad tho, for a "fishbowler." from a few hundy over ant farm i flew out to the beach w/ marty. a nice tailwind (goin @ 30 mph from there to the 101) and a good glide seam got me out over the pier. Marty captured this cool "icarus" pic.