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Sunday 12/22/2013 [Weather] and [Flight Articles] by  [Aaron] & [Sundowner]
Flight Articles by Tim Barker on [Friday 12/20]  & [Saturday 12/21]

Tim Barker
Friday, 12/20/2013

Article Copied from: http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2977

Friday after school
by timobarker » Sat Dec 21, 2013 6:04 am

School was out at 12:45! I jumped in the car and headed to Parma to meet Malcolm. There were a few hang gliders cruising the fishbowl when I got there. I picked up Malcolm and a guy from Oregon that's visiting for the week and quickly ran up to Skyport. We launched about 1:45. I launched first and was able to maintain for a few minutes at launch. Got low and headed toward thermal factory and the antennae. I thought I was too late for the day, until I saw Malcolm slingshot up at launch. I gathered my wits about me and found some excellent lift at the antennae farm. I was soon joining Malcolm at about 3800 over the TF. Although, Malcolm was a bit above me all day!

Next I shot over to the RR in a decently stiff headwind. I intercepted that spine just under the last rock ban. I surf soared the face and lee side of the ridge, finding consistent lift. I figured that as long as my glider was above the ridge, with the angle of the wind, that I wouldn't get any rotor. I was right! I was soon up to about 3900 at the RR. I thought about heading toward La Cumbre, but just didn't know if it would be worth it yet. It probably would have been good, oh well.

At this point I saw Malcolm get stinking high at the round house spine and head out toward the beach. I quickly followed suit. I crossed the free way just under 1500' and headed out and around the pier! What a memorable day to fly. It was gorgeous.

Hoping for some more of that today, Saturday.