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Sunday, 9/28/2014 [Weather] and [Flight Articles] by [Ron Faoro] [timobarker] [BobA] [Sundowner] [Photos] [3D Google KMZ]

Tim Barker aka timobarker
Sunday, 9/28/2014

Article copied from: http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3073#p9120
Posted by timobarker » Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:43 pm

Community Above the Clouds!!!

What a day!  I'm sitting in my lazy boy chair with my feet in the massager and a beer in my hands recollecting on our day.  It came clear to me today that we share a very unique community experience.  Although we arrived at Skyport in different cars, left without saying goodbye and rarely spoke to each other through our individual flights, we had yet another amazing experience together!

On my eastward stretch I passed SD before he went big, and circled with Aileron and Neil.  Then on my downwind from Painted Cave, I passed Bob heading into the west wind.  Hang gliders were eye candy everywhere!

It was an exciting day for sure, a few pilots barely cleared the power lines off of launch to soar to cloud base and others went straight there off of launch.  Pilots flew from West of 154 (Windemere Ranch Aaron) to the 5 (SD) and many pilots landed at a beach (Bates, Padaro and East Beach).

Although I landed at Parma and had my own flight, I consider your day part of mine and I hope that you consider my day part of yours.  That was my vision as I was pasted to the clouds above Cathedral on the downwind leg of my flight.  Your successes, adventures and misadventures only add to the value of my experience in the mountains.  Thank you all for a great day!


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