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Flight Articles from Friday, 3/15/2002 [Weather Archive] [Craig Warren] [Sundowner] [Diablo]
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Tom Sorce
Friday, 3/15/2002

Big Friday Memories
Skyport to Santa Clause Beach

The flight on Friday was a lot of fun.  Good, active flying with lift to be found where one might expect it.

After Art launched, the up cycles tapered off for about 10 to 15 minutes.  Art was struggling in front of the launch area and decided to head out-front by the round house.  The up-cycle was blocked for about ten minutes.  Once Art cleared the area I started to launch, aborted the take-off, set the canopy back down at the bottom of the lawn area, waited for the next cycle and launched from the lower lawn area like you did.

My left brake line wrapped on take-off but cleared easily and I gained altitude in the house thermal at Sky Port.  Took off for the round house and worked up to the top of the ridge line behind the round house and headed out on course.  Art and Ron (?) were in front of me, further down the ridge, along with a hang glider above them.  I caught up to Art and Ron within 40 minutes, working in front of the ridge line.

Prior to the flight, Art and I had agreed to land in Carpinteria so we could re-group in time to fly at The Grade.

This was only my fourth flight from Sky Port so my information for comparison is limited.  I thought the air convection was strong, as would be expected by the terrific lapse rate, but manageable.  Lots of tip folds, rapid pitch changes and strong areas of lift and sink.  My guess is that I was probably in 900' to 1100' per minute lift and sink at various times.  Active, concentrated flying, demanding decent decision making but not uncomfortable or unpleasant. Challenging and fun.

My highest altitude was just a hair under 7000' and I had one save from around 1500' when I flew out front to check out the ground winds.

I departed the mountains in Carpinteria, just where the mountains head inland toward Ojai.  If Art and I had agreed to do so, I would have kept heading down the range to Ojai.  Perfect day for it.  The flight over the Valley was smooth and pleasant with some lift to be found.  Great visibility and view of the Islands.  Could I make the jump to the Channel Islands briefly passed through my mind.

The wind was coming up quickly out of the West but I still had 1000' when I got over the 101.  Nice onshore breeze at around 8 knots, picking up to about 10 knots.  I choose to land on the sandy beach just next to Santa Clause lane in Carpinteria. Sweet.

Art and I grabbed some "In & Out Burgers" and headed to The Grade, only to watch the wind go from 16 knots, to 18 knots to .....  We didn't even bother hiking up the hill and threw in the towel when the 3 PM ATIS was reporting gusts @ 20 knots from 270 degrees at Camarillo Airport.  We were game for another flight but when it's gusting to 20 on the ground, it's better to wish you were in the air than to actually be in the air.

An epic flying day with terrific visibility, active air movement, challenging moments and fond memories.

Would I do it again? Anytime.

Keep in touch. It is always a joy, as well as a learning experience to ride and fly with you.

Tom Sorce



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