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Chris Ballmer Archive Index

Some flights copied from the SCPA / SBSA discussion Forum

Description year_mo-day KML/Z IGC Photos Video
Tandem with Mitch Riley, EJ to Parma 2018_10-28 KMZ IGC    
Oat Mountain 2015_07-15        
500 over at Elings / plus Progression Comments 2015_06-14        
Marshall 2015_06-06        
Oat / Fillmore 2015_05-24       Vimeo
Twofer in the Fishbowl / Skyport and EJ to Parma 2015_04-03-04 KMZ      
Stellar Monday at Bates 2015_02-23        
Skyport / Valentine Saturday Spectacular 2015_02-14        
Skyport / Several "First" / Radioactive Wednesday   2015_02-11        
Skyport to Cloudbase 2015_01-31        
VOR to the T   2015_01-01        


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