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Thursday [Weather] and [Flight Articles] by [Tim Barker] & [Dave Turner] + Plus Comments by [Sundowner] [Spin Doctor] [Ghris G]

Chris Grantham

Comments in response to Tim Barkers request for feedback

Article Copied from: http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2987#p8902
Posted by Chris G » Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:05 am

There's a fantastic and consistent kicker just out front of White Ledge that I usually go for. I'm not keen on the super deep line but it works for a lot of people. If it works it's great, but if it doesn't you're a long way from an LZ. After turning the corner at the far W edge of White Ledge I've only had a problem getting back up on the E edge once.