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Saturday, 9/14/13 [Weather Archive] and [Flight Articles] by [BobA] [NMERider] [Sundowner] [Fly Above All]

onathan Dietch (aka NMERider or JD)

Pine Mountain to Crystal Air Glider Port
Saturday, 9/14/13

About 85 Miles from Launch to Landing
About 91 Miles from launch to turn point
About 6 Miles from Turn Point Back to LZ
About 97 Miles Total Distance Around 1 Turn Point
5 hours airtime
Max Altitude 13,500 feet
Launch Pine at 11:28 AM, 7000 feet
Land at Crystal Air Gliderport  at 4:23 PM 3,415 feet
Wills Wind\g T2C144 / Hang Glider

Downloadable Track Files:  GPS [IGC File]   &   Google Earth [KMZ File]
track log [http://www.paraglidingforum.com/leonardo/flight/827782]

Article Copied from: http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2880#p8609
Posted by NMERider » Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:05 pm

Sundowner, BobA and I met w/ El Diablo at the Ash St lot and were on launch by 10:30. Sundowner went a few miles further along an entirely different route. BoA got unlucky at Quail Lake. No time to write.

Click images for full size

Altitude Chart

Google Earth looking South

Chute End 12700'

Wisps above Frazier seem from 8K

Looking back on way to Neenach

Follow up post copied from: http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2880#p8615
Posted by NMERider » Mon Sep 16, 2013 5:08 am

Quick edit of the flight from the track log and some of the video. The camera froze at Neenach before I got sand blasted by a dust devil in a 7000' climb from 600' AGL.

Follow up post copied from:  http://scpa.info/bb/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2880#p8620
Posted by NMERider » Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:59 pm

For pilots learning the routes, my track log [http://www.paraglidingforum.com/leonardo/flight/827782] shows a number of reliable thermal triggers that have worked fairly consistently on past flights including Westbound OTB from Crestline.

One of the best parts of Saturday's flight was being in a vehicle with pilots who were there from the beginning and have been an integral part of the Pine X/C experience throughout its history.  It really doesn't get much better than that.  It would have been great to have a documentary filmmaker aboard to capture the oral history and the flying plus chase itself.

I think I hear my rocking chair calling me.


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