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Sunday 9/14/2014 [Weather] and [Flight Articles]  by [SD] [Chris Paul] [Bendan] [John Scott] [JD] [Dizzy]
[Sat 9/6 by Dizzy] / [Wed 9/10 by JD] / Fri 9/12 by [Dizzy] [JD] & [Ken] / [Sat 9/13 Elsinore] / & [Misc Post]
Plus 2014 Mid September [Photo Sets] and [Track Logs]

Jonathan Sun 9/14 [Photo Thumbnails]  [View All Photos 540 Pixels high / Small Monitor]  [View All Photos HD / Large Monitor]

[Amigo] > [Jonathan Dietch  flight index]

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To Save All Photos in this set, open [all photos small / 540 pixels high] or [all photos large / HD] then follow instructions.
                                                                                     (750 KB total for 4 photos)

Jonathan Dietch / Sunday 9/12/2014 / Pine Mountain to Gorman